5 Tips On Using Google AdSense To Make You Money

Google AdSense can be an absolute goldmine for anyone who is willing to invest some time in learning how to use it effectively. A lot of people who start using Google AdSense tend to get turned off by it within the first couple of months because they just don’t seem to be making the money that they had expected.
Arm yourself against making the typical newbie mistakes and read our tips below so that you’ll know just how you can make some good cash off of AdSense.


1. Where Does AdSense Make Sense?

Perhaps the biggest mistake that those who use AdSense make is that they throw ads on every type of website imaginable. Don’t waste your time, effort and ads on sites that won’t be bringing in the cash.
Let’s take a tech info website for example. If you run a site that provides high level tech advice, then there’s a very low chance that anyone visiting your site will bother with your AdSense ads. Why? Because these people just don’t generally click on those types of ads. They know about AdSense, and they didn’t come to your website for anything but the information written on your site. They want answers to a problem, and then they want to get out.
Let’s say you have a website that’s more geared towards sales, however. This would be a better type of site to have ads on as people will be far more likely to click on the advertisements you put up.
It may take a bit of trial and error since some niches tend to do better than others when it comes to these types of ads, but generally speaking, if your blog or website is about selling things, then AdSense will work better for you.


2. “SmartPricing:” Anything But Smart

Whenever possible, you have to avoid Google’s “SmartPricing” scheme. With SmartPricing, Google gives advertisers a discount based on how popular or “valuable” your website is. They tend to base this on your site’s click through ratio.
So if your website has a high click through ratio, then the perceived value of your site is high so then the cost per ad click is higher. If your click through ratio is low, however, the value of your site is “low” so you get less money per click. The difference between a SmartPriced site and a non-SmartPriced site can be anywhere from a couple cents to several dollars in difference.
One way to avoid this is to post your AdSense ads only on your older posts. Why? Because anyone who regularly visits your site isn’t going to click on your ads. If you post them on your older posts however, you’ll be able to possibly keep your click through ratio pretty high. There are a lot of resources out there about how you can change the coding of your website or blog to keep your ads only on your older posts.
Another way to avoid the dreaded SmartPricing is to display your ads to those who have landed on your page through a search engine only. You can again tailor your blog using the “function” file to change where the ads are displayed.


3. Choose The Best Keywords

Google is all about keywords, so in order to make the biggest profit you need to choose the best CPC keywords out there. You can use a number of great tools out there to help identify what the high paying keywords for your niche are, and there are several lists supplied for free, such as www.rumler.com.
Keywords also determine what kind of ads are going to show up on your website or blog. Nothing’s worse than visiting a website that’s cluttered with ads that don’t even make sense. Target your keywords so that you’ll be able to “influence” what types of ads will show up on your blog or site. Make sure that these keywords are on your website or blog entry, but BE CAREFUL. If the keyword density is too high, you WILL be penalized by Google and can even be tossed out of their AdSense program.
TIP: Read Google’s terms of service. Once you’re out of the program, you’re pretty much out for good. Follow the terms of service, stay in their good graces, and write great content so you’ll continue to get visitors who’ll click on your ads.


4. Choose Big Ads

AdSense advertisements come in a variety of formats, so you can tailor the formats to see which works best with your blog. Having an advertisement that looks good on your blog or site is important, but keep this in mind: the large 336×280 rectangle sized advertisements has long proven to give the best payout. Maybe this is because the ad is right in any visitors face, or maybe it’s because that size can display video ads (which are increasing in popularity). Either way, it may be a good idea to start out with an ad around that size.


5. Monitor Your Success

No matter what you do with your blog or website, you need to keep track of how successful your ads are doing. If you don’t monitor your ads, then you will ultimately fail. You’ll be able to pin point which ads work, which don’t, and over time you may discover that certain ads work best at certain times throughout the year while others work best at other times.
One of the best things that we can suggest is that you look at your top 1/5 of pages, and then you take a look at your bottom 1/5 of pages. Why are the top 1/5 of pages making more money? What are you doing right? Try to take what seems to be working with the top 1/5 of your pages and then incorporate those ideas and methods into the bottom 1/5.
You’ll also be able to quickly see whether or not your chosen keywords are making money. If your keywords aren’t working, change them up! You should always do a top keyword run at least once a week to make sure that your site is up to date and current.
1. Download : http://www.sendly.com/ for your Android or iOS.
2. Sign up with your Email ID
3. Enter your prepaid mobile number with country code
4. They’ve an introductory offer which gives you Rs. 1000 of balance by paying $3.82 which is equivalent to Rs. 250.
5. Enter credit/debit card details and you’re done!
It works for other countries (50 to be precise) as well and not just for India.
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1. Download : http://www.sendly.com/ for your Android or iOS.
2. Sign up with your Email ID
3. Enter your prepaid mobile number with country code
4. They’ve an introductory offer which gives you Rs. 1000 of balance by paying $3.82 which is equivalent to Rs. 250.
5. Enter credit/debit card details and you’re done!
It works for other countries (50 to be precise) as well and not just for India.
- See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/75-discount-prepaid-mobile-recharge/29336/#sthash.P5SGU5e7.dpuf
1. Download : http://www.sendly.com/ for your Android or iOS.
2. Sign up with your Email ID
3. Enter your prepaid mobile number with country code
4. They’ve an introductory offer which gives you Rs. 1000 of balance by paying $3.82 which is equivalent to Rs. 250.
5. Enter credit/debit card details and you’re done!
It works for other countries (50 to be precise) as well and not just for India.
- See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/75-discount-prepaid-mobile-recharge/29336/#sthash.P5SGU5e7.dpuf
1. Download : http://www.sendly.com/ for your Android or iOS.
2. Sign up with your Email ID
3. Enter your prepaid mobile number with country code
4. They’ve an introductory offer which gives you Rs. 1000 of balance by paying $3.82 which is equivalent to Rs. 250.
5. Enter credit/debit card details and you’re done!
It works for other countries (50 to be precise) as well and not just for India.
- See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/75-discount-prepaid-mobile-recharge/29336/#sthash.P5SGU5e7.dpuf
Here’s how I got recharge balance of Rs. 1000 by paying Rs. 250 only!
1. Download : http://www.sendly.com/ for your Android or iOS.
2. Sign up with your Email ID
3. Enter your prepaid mobile number with country code
4. They’ve an introductory offer which gives you Rs. 1000 of balance by paying $3.82 which is equivalent to Rs. 250.
5. Enter credit/debit card details and you’re done!
It works for other countries (50 to be precise) as well and not just for India.
Not just Rs. 1000 but you can go for lower denominations too as you can see in above screenshot. You get 75% Flat discount on first recharge.

- See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/75-discount-prepaid-mobile-recharge/29336/#sthash.P5SGU5e7.dpuf

Here’s how I got recharge balance of Rs. 1000 by paying Rs. 250 only!
1. Download : http://www.sendly.com/ for your Android or iOS.
2. Sign up with your Email ID
3. Enter your prepaid mobile number with country code
4. They’ve an introductory offer which gives you Rs. 1000 of balance by paying $3.82 which is equivalent to Rs. 250.
5. Enter credit/debit card details and you’re done!
It works for other countries (50 to be precise) as well and not just for India.
Not just Rs. 1000 but you can go for lower denominations too as you can see in above screenshot. You get 75% Flat discount on first recharge.
- See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/75-discount-prepaid-mobile-recharge/29336/#sthash.P5SGU5e7.dpuf
Here’s how I got recharge balance of Rs. 1000 by paying Rs. 250 only!
1. Download : http://www.sendly.com/ for your Android or iOS.
2. Sign up with your Email ID
3. Enter your prepaid mobile number with country code
4. They’ve an introductory offer which gives you Rs. 1000 of balance by paying $3.82 which is equivalent to Rs. 250.
5. Enter credit/debit card details and you’re done!
It works for other countries (50 to be precise) as well and not just for India.
Not just Rs. 1000 but you can go for lower denominations too as you can see in above screenshot. You get 75% Flat discount on first recharge.
- See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/75-discount-prepaid-mobile-recharge/29336/#sthash.P5SGU5e7.dpuf
Imagine a complete stranger rifling through your purse, glove box, pockets and phone. You’re not comfortable with that, are you?
Nowadays, home PCs hold a myriad of personal files and information that most people wouldn’t be comfortable sharing. Search history, emails, instant messages, bank usernames and passwords, tax details and a host of other sensitive data can now be found on your home PC – and without adequate protection from cybercrime, this information could fall into the wrong hands.
Identity thieves and hackers target home computers because they know families often do not maintain adequate security protection on their PCs. This makes these family users easy, lucrative marks. Many hackers access your personal information in order to steal your money and your identity. Others might want to use your home computer as a shield to mask their identity as they steal from others.
But it won’t happen to me!
Identity theft is more common than you think – and the advent of the Internet has simplified the process for would-be thieves. It’s estimated that a quarter of all cases of identity theft originate on the Internet. More specifically, according to the Internet Fraud Complaint Centre, email and web pages dominate the fraud methodology, and the vast majority of victims actually have email contact with the perpetrator.
How can identity theft occur?
Anyone can fall victim to identity theft. Here’s how:
  • Accessing the Internet from an unsecured PC—Without a security layer between your computer and the Internet, you invite hackers to steal your identity, destroy your files, or use your PC to attack others
  • Obtaining potentially unwanted programs like spyware or adware on your PC—Malicious software programs may monitor your keystrokes, track your Internet logins, transmit your confidential information, or redirect your browser to fake web sites
  • Sending personal information over the Internet—Hackers can easily retrieve sensitive data that is sent over an unsecured Internet connection
  • Downloading files from friends and family or accepting unknown emails—You can obtain a virus, worm, or Trojan simply by accepting files from your friends, family, or others
  • Not recognizing phishing scams or spam— Ever received a dodgy looking email claiming you’ve won big? All you have to do is send over your bank account details… Phishing scams use fraudulent emails and web sites to lure unsuspecting users into revealing private account or login information.
  • Leaving your wireless network unsecured—Since your wireless network’s radio waves travel through walls, a hacker with a simple antenna could attack you from miles away to steal your information or to launch attacks from your PC
How you can fight identity theft
Common sense dictates some very obvious measures to protect yourself, your family and your computer. Make sure to set up parental controls to keep the kids from accidentally clicking on untrusted ads and websites. This includes not downloading files or clicking on hyperlinks sent by strangers, avoid storing financial information on your computer and using a secure browser.
Over-sharing on social media has desensitised our notion of online privacy, and it can be very easy to fall into complacency when sharing your personal information online. There are a number of ways that hackers can compromise your home PC and access information, most of which can be avoided with adequate security protection and a little online vigilance.

How do you keep your Home PC protected from Hackers?

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You are Over Confident that your Home PC Won’t get Hacked - See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/home-pc-identity-theft-protection/29369/#sthash.voXiu9T2.dpuf

Imagine a complete stranger rifling through your purse, glove box, pockets and phone. You’re not comfortable with that, are you? - See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/home-pc-identity-theft-protection/29369/#sthash.voXiu9T2.dpuf

Imagine a complete stranger rifling through your purse, glove box, pockets and phone. You’re not comfortable with that, are you? - See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/home-pc-identity-theft-protection/29369/#sthash.voXiu9T2.dpuf
Imagine a complete stranger rifling through your purse, glove box, pockets and phone. You’re not comfortable with that, are you? - See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/home-pc-identity-theft-protection/29369/#sthash.voXiu9T2.dpuf
Imagine a complete stranger rifling through your purse, glove box, pockets and phone. You’re not comfortable with that, are you? - See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/home-pc-identity-theft-protection/29369/#sthash.voXiu9T2.dpuf
Imagine a complete stranger rifling through your purse, glove box, pockets and phone. You’re not comfortable with that, are you? - See more at: http://www.blogsolute.com/home-pc-identity-theft-protection/29369/#sthash.voXiu9T2.dpuf

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